Saturday, January 26, 2019

Quick update.

Using the Sgt model for the color test and model for the rest.  So far the color choices are working really well. He currently only has his colors blocked out I have another test model testing which shades work best on each of the primary colors.  I'll than go through clean up each of the areas and ink/shade them and then back to highlights and clean up.

3d printed shoulder pads mean no decals!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Painting Begins

I went through three different blues before I decided on this one.  Metallic Artic Blue by Vallejo. 

I really love this blue, its a nice dark metallic and goes on very smooth.

Start of a project!

Welcome to the start of my new Primaris Marine Kill team from the Void Tridents Chapter.  I will try to track the progress of building and painting the team.  I will also try to follow their progress as they join the Vigilus campaign at one of our local game stores.